Go, Jamie, Go! – A Success Story

A person gives a thumbs up with the UP Michigan Works logo overlayed.

Jamie came to Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! (UPMW) as an application eligibility period (AEP) participant through PATH, a cash assistance program, in December 2020. She had over fourteen barriers including health problems, legal problems, financial troubles, and more.

Succeeding with Michigan Works! Employment Services

A picture of DJ Fontaine at work.

David “DJ” Fontaine, a former Kitchen Manager at a Houghton employer, came to UP Michigan Works! after he called our office and requested assistance applying for Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) benefits.

Second Chances – A Success Story

A person in a black shirt holds a piece of wood as they drill through it.

Timothy got ready to win when he came into Michigan Works! seeking help to obtain his builder’s license. He had overwhelming barriers to employment, including health and legal issues. These barriers left him unable to get a job when he had a family to support.

Over 40,000 apply for Michigan Reconnect in first two weeks

A woman in a jacket and scarf uses a laptop while sitting on stairs outside.

In the two weeks since launch, over 40,000 Michiganders have submitted applications to take advantage of the Michigan Reconnect program on their path to pursuing an associate degree or skills certificate though their local, in-district community college.

Gov. Whitmer launches bipartisan $30M Michigan Reconnect program

A MI Reconnect social graphic that says, "Eligible for free tuition?"

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joined today with Republican and Democratic legislators to announce the launch of the $30 million Michigan Reconnect program, the largest effort in state history to ensure that more than 4.1 million Michiganders who are 25 or older and do not have a college degree will have an opportunity to earn a tuition-free associate degree or skills certificate.

Driving into a Brighter Future – A Success Story

Holly Desotell stands next to a car.

Times have been challenging for some employees, particularly those who have experienced periods of being unemployed or underemployed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Holly Desotell has been employed at Stewart Manufacturing for over 3 years, but sporadic plant shutdowns over the past several months created financial hardships she was not prepared for.

Michigan Work Share Program

An image of someone on a silver laptop who is also writing on a piece of paper. Another piece of paper with graphs and charts sits in front of them.

As stated by the Michigan Dept. of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), “Michigan’s Work Share program allows employers to restart their business and bring employees back from unemployment…”

What is a Non-Monetary Issue?

A woman sits at a desk with a computer with her hands on her head in frustration.

When there is an issue, a situation, or condition that affects the claimant’s benefits rights, the UIA must conduct an investigation. This is called a non-monetary issue.