UP Michigan Works! Offers Summer Youth Employment Opportunities – A TV 6 Interview
Young people are the future of the Upper Peninsula’s economy and workforce. Getting a job at a young age teaches work ethic, and what it’s like to make money for themselves and may even inspire the career they choose to pursue.
U.P. Michigan Works! Focuses on Summer Jobs for Youth
Hanna from Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! visited TV 6 to discuss how U.P. Michigan Works! emphasizes youth employment and what services we can offer to youths.
Michigan employers encouraged to offer opportunities during Youth Employment Month
An estimated 239,000 Michigan youth, ages 16-19, are expected to participate in the state’s labor market this summer, and to help raise awareness about the importance of youth earning valuable skills and training for the future while doing so safely and legally, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proclaims June 2022 as Youth Employment Month in Michigan.
Young Adults Get Ready to Win with a Work-Based Learning
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! (UPMW) wants to help young adults increase their employability by offering them a paid opportunity to learn and work in a real-world job through the Young Professionals program.
Summer Young Professionals Employment Program Recipients Announced
Young people throughout the state will have the opportunity to participate in Michigan’s 2020 Summer Young Professionals employment experience, preparation, and exploration program.