Job fair attracts crowd to Depot Park

A man writes on a table at a job fair.

The Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! office held its first job fair since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic on Thursday in Ironwood’s Depot Park. The job fair offered job seekers a chance to see what type of employment is available locally.

Working and Thriving from Home – A Success Story

A woman sits at a desk with a laptop and poses for a picture.

Teresa, a single mother of 3, was unemployed and had barriers to getting back to work, including a lack of childcare for her child, the loss of financial assistance, and health problems, all of which blocked her from returning to her job as a bartender.

The Keys to the Road – A Success Story

A man shakes a woman's hand across a table.

Michael needed help with his resume and cover letter. He was unfamiliar with computers, so his wife, Jennifer, reached out to Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! for assistance.