Making Moves Towards a Future Career – A Success Story

Making moves to a future career

Making Moves Towards a Future Career  Making Moves Toward a Future Career Annika, a student at Marquette Alternative high school, was planning to attend Northern Michigan University’s Cosmetology program with the goal of one day owning her own salon. UP Michigan Works! met Annika while visiting students for the Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates program.   Annika […]

Upper Peninsula Lead Abatement Training

Michigan is investing in lead abatement services for residential homes across the state!

The “Lead Safe Work Program”, overseen by the Lead Certification and Compliance Assurance section at the Division of Environmental Health,  seeks to educate, train, and certify individuals who want to become a lead-certified worker or supervisor.

H-2B Workers

A pen lays on a white piece of paper.

Information about the H-2B process can be found below (on this page).

Getting Students Ready to Win at Mind Trekkers

Michigan Tech Mind Trekkers

The Mind Trekkers team, a highly-educated group of Michigan Tech students, has been traveling the Upper Peninsula getting students excited about STEM and STEM-based careers through hands-on demonstrations.

State Apprenticeship Expansion Success

Apprenticeship Program Image

Jacob is a young adult from the central Upper Peninsula who sought to explore a career in manufacturing and needed assistance finding a work experience to increase his skills and marketability.

The Soo Locks Project

Join the team completing the Soo Locks Project.

Kokosing Alberici Traylor, LLC is hiring skilled union construction workers and administrative staff for the Soo Locks Project in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.