Goal Getter – A Success Story
Courtney reached out to the Marquette Michigan Works! Office after learning of the programs and services offered through a presentation in one of her nursing classes led by a Michigan Works! employee.
UP Michigan Works! Offers Summer Youth Employment Opportunities – A TV 6 Interview
Young people are the future of the Upper Peninsula’s economy and workforce. Getting a job at a young age teaches work ethic, and what it’s like to make money for themselves and may even inspire the career they choose to pursue.
H-2B Workers
Information about the H-2B process can be found below (on this page).
Getting Students Ready to Win at Mind Trekkers
The Mind Trekkers team, a highly-educated group of Michigan Tech students, has been traveling the Upper Peninsula getting students excited about STEM and STEM-based careers through hands-on demonstrations.
State Apprenticeship Expansion Success
Jacob is a young adult from the central Upper Peninsula who sought to explore a career in manufacturing and needed assistance finding a work experience to increase his skills and marketability.
The Soo Locks Project
Kokosing Alberici Traylor, LLC is hiring skilled union construction workers and administrative staff for the Soo Locks Project in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
Having Fun with Science on the TV 6 Morning News
The Mind Trekkers program brings science alive to students across the country.
OneUP Mind Trekkers Career Festivals brings hands-on STEM learning to thousands of 8th graders
The MiSTEM Network joins Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, local businesses, and education partners to celebrate the success of two high-energy, hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) festivals in the Upper Peninsula.
Translating Corporate Jargon
Learn about all-too-common, and sometimes overused, corporate jargon. We’ll be imparting some soft-skill knowledge along the way!
Finding Meaningful Success in Employment – A Success Story
Mary attended PATH orientation as a temporary solution; it was a requirement given to her by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as they worked to extend her Cash Assistance deferral.