UPCC Construction Connect
What is Construction Connect U.P.?
The Construction Connect U.P. Program is designed to serve as an effective transition from school to career. The Upper Peninsula Construction Council (a joint Labor/Management Council established and sponsored by affiliated signatory union contractors and building trades) in collaboration with U.P. Michigan Works and Local Education Agencies (ISD’s & RESA’s) have developed this program that is skill based, labor and industry approved and directly linked to explicit real-world workplace situations. This is an earn ($14.00/Hr) and learn program.
We are recruiting for the official start of the Construction Connect U.P. Program to begin in the 2025/2026 school year.

Participants must be able to pass and prove the following requirements:
- Must be a high school senior or at least 17 years of age
- Must be enrolled a certified CTE program
- Must have valid drivers license or in process and reliable transportation
- Must pass a drug test
CCUP Success Stories
Email U.P. Michigan Works! at contactus@upmichiganworks.org, or call us at 800-285-9675.