Childcare Virtual Job Fair – 2022

A picture of a child with paint on its hands to promote the Childcare Virtual Job Fair.

Join the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity’s Workforce Development, the Michigan Works! network and Great Start to Quality as they host a Childcare Virtual Job Fair this February.

Hanna Visits TV 6 to Recap Our Year

Hanna sits in the TV 6 studio while being interviewed.

This week, Hanna Duckwall, Talent Services Director with U.P. Michigan Works!, visited TV 6 to talk about the great things that happened this year, including new grant funding, successful events, and more.

National Apprenticeship Week 2021

A man and a younger man work in an industrial setting.

National Apprenticeship Week is a week-long celebration geared towards raising awareness for apprenticeship-based training programs throughout Michigan and the country as a whole.

It Pays to Get Your Diploma – A Success Story

Briana stands with her instructor in front of a sign while holding her certificate.

Briana was a former high school dropout and parenting youth who decided she needed to make a good life for her son. After hearing about programs and services she could receive through U.P. Michigan Works! and the Job for Michigan’s Graduates program, Briana set up an appointment to work one-on-one with a Talent Specialist.