Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! Partners with Regional Education Providers for MiLEAP
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! staff members visited various educational institutions throughout the Upper Peninsula this fall to finalize formal agreements that will help U.P. residents transition from short-term education programs to high-wage employment through MiLEAP.
It Pays to Get Your Diploma – A Success Story
Briana was a former high school dropout and parenting youth who decided she needed to make a good life for her son. After hearing about programs and services she could receive through U.P. Michigan Works! and the Job for Michigan’s Graduates program, Briana set up an appointment to work one-on-one with a Talent Specialist.
U.P. Michigan Works! Can Help You Find a Job in the Manufacturing Industry – A TV 6 Interview
Debb Brunell from Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! stopped by the TV 6 station to discuss manufacturing in the U.P. and how Michigan Works! helps facilitate it.
Applications for Training Grants through Going PRO Talent Fund Accepted Starting September 30
Michigan employers looking to take advantage of the Going PRO Talent Fund program will be able to apply for a share of at least $40 million in competitive training funds available to Michigan businesses today, Sept. 30.
The 2022 Going PRO Talent Fund Information Session
Did you miss out on the 2021 Going PRO Talent Fund Information Session held by Upper Peninsula Michigan Works? Have no fear, we recorded it!
U.P. Michigan Works! to Host Going PRO Talent Fund Information Session – A TV 6 Interview
On Wednesday, September 8, Tim Hyde, Workforce Services Manager with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, joined Alyssa Jawor from TV 6 to discuss the upcoming virtual Going PRO Information Session.
U.P. Michigan Works! to Host Workplace Excellence Training Program – A TV 6 Interview
On Wednesday, August 11th, Hanna Duckwall, Training Manager from Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, sat down with Alyssa from TV 6 to discuss our Workplace Excellence Training program.
New Opportunities in the Wake of COVID – A Success Story
K was referred to Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) in September 2020 and attended orientation with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! At the time, they were not interested in any programmatic assistance as they were not sure what their career goals were due to the pandemic.
On the Highway to Winning – A Success Story
Jacob, a dislocated worker, came into Michigan Works! with a big smile and a big goal. He was determined to change his life and we were happy to be a part of it.
Young Adults Get Ready to Win with a Work-Based Learning
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! (UPMW) wants to help young adults increase their employability by offering them a paid opportunity to learn and work in a real-world job through the Young Professionals program.