Employer Survey of Childcare Challenges
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to tell us how the lack of adequate, affordable childcare has impacted you as an employer.
The Keys to the Road – A Success Story
Michael needed help with his resume and cover letter. He was unfamiliar with computers, so his wife, Jennifer, reached out to Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! for assistance.
Over 50 Job Seekers Attend Local Application Drive
On Wednesday, June 16, the Sault Area Chamber of Commerce and Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! held an application drive at the local Chamber of Commerce building
on the Business Spur.
Succeeding with Michigan Works! Employment Services
David “DJ” Fontaine, a former Kitchen Manager at a Houghton employer, came to UP Michigan Works! after he called our office and requested assistance applying for Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) benefits.
New Interviewing Etiquette in the Post-COVID Era
Michigan Works! is ready to help guide you through the new rules of interviewing. Interviews are difficult for both the employer and interviewee, especially now that COVID-19 has modified previous practices that have been in place for a long time. Here are answers to some of the questions Michigan Works! has been asked:
How to Attract Talent in the UP
The issue is that the people who should be seeing their job posting aren’t seeing their job posting. This can be a simple fix. Check out some of the ways we suggest that employers advertise their open positions below.
Hospital Gears for COVID-19 – A Recap of UPMW’s COVID Response in Baraga County
Early in the pandemic, Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! (UPMW) was positioned to help frontline staff in the U.P. prepare for the looming threat of COVID-19. When Baraga County Memorial Hospital needed a safe, secure area to isolate well patients who needed routine services, we offered assistance.
U.P. Businesses Receive Grants from Going PRO Talent Fund
Last week, at least 850 Michigan businesses were awarded grants from the Going PRO Talent Fund. Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! Business Services Manager, Holly Peoples, says there was no better time like the present to get this funding.
Acing Your Virtual Interview
Recent changes to interviewing and hiring have made virtual interviews a hot, and panic-inducing, topic around the world. You may be asking yourself, “How do I practice? Do I need to wear a suit/dress? Do I look at the screen or the camera?”
The First-Ever Virtual Job Fair: Wrap-Up
On July 21st, 2020, Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! (UPMW) hosted its first-ever Virtual Job Fair featuring employers from across the Upper Peninsula.