U.P. Michigan Works! Focuses on Summer Jobs for Youth
Hanna from Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! visited TV 6 to discuss how U.P. Michigan Works! emphasizes youth employment and what services we can offer to youths.
Career Change – A Success Story
With the endorsement from her case manager, Katie applied, interviewed, and was hired to join the Delta County office of Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!
U.P. Michigan Works! Launches Clean Slate UP Spring Programs
On May 11, Darren Widder, Policy and Programs Manager with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, joined Alyssa from TV 6 to discuss our Clean Slate UP program and the upcoming Clean Slate UP events happening in the central and western Upper Peninsula.
Michigan Works! Celebrates Year of Helping U.P. Businesses
U.P. Michigan Works! continues to support employers and employees to get ready to win with access to valuable programs and resources.
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! Focuses on Michigan Industry Cluster Approach – A TV 6 Interview
Amy Kraatz, MiLEAP Grant Coordinator with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, visited TV 6 to discuss employee retention and how U.P. Michigan Works! is using MICA funding to convene organizations and address workforce challenges.
Getting Into a Career in the Trades
Caleb chose to attend a trade school to meet his career goals. Read more about his journey in our blog.
11 Tips I Wish I Knew to be Successful in College
Getting involved in clubs, groups, sports, and more can be intimidating when you are in college. If you don’t know anyone it can be difficult to go alone. However, this is completely normal and something that everyone goes through. I saw an AMA poster on one of the whiteboards in my classroom and decided to check it out. I was so nervous on the way there and even once I got there. I felt much better when I started talking to members.
Childcare Virtual Job Fair to be Held February 23
The State of Michigan, Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, and Great Start to Quality are joining forces for an upcoming virtual job fair.
Childcare Virtual Job Fair – 2022
Join the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity’s Workforce Development, the Michigan Works! network and Great Start to Quality as they host a Childcare Virtual Job Fair this February.
U.P. Michigan Works! Focuses on Employer-Led Collaboratives
Megan Boddy, a Talent Services Manager with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, spoke with TV 6 about our Employer-Led Collaboratives and what we are looking to accomplish with them.