Get Ready to Win with U.P. Jobs Now! – A U.P. Matters Interview
Tim Hyde, a Workforce Services Manager based out of Marquette with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, spoke with U.P. Matters about the U.P. Jobs Now campaign.
Manufacturing Month 2020: A Thread
To celebrate all things manufacturing during Manufacturing Month, we are helping facilitate numerous events throughout the month of October in the Upper Peninsula.
Acing Your Virtual Interview
Recent changes to interviewing and hiring have made virtual interviews a hot, and panic-inducing, topic around the world. You may be asking yourself, “How do I practice? Do I need to wear a suit/dress? Do I look at the screen or the camera?”
Michigan Works! Applauds Lawmakers and Administration for Including Going PRO Talent Fund Money in FY 2021 State Budget
We applaud the Michigan legislature and the administration for their commitment to including money to the FY 2021 state budget in order to continue providing grants to Michigan businesses so they can provide critical training for both current employees and new hires.
Manufacturing Day 2020 – Heavy Metal Tours
Like many events this year, the Heavy Metal Tours annual Manufacturing Day event has adjusted and will be delivered in a new virtual format.
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! is a Futures for Frontliners Champion
Futures for Frontliners offers Michiganders who worked in essential industries during the April 1-June 30 period but do not have a college degree free tuition to their local community college (Gogebic Community College and Bay College) to pursue an associate degree or a skills certificate on a full-time or part-time basis while they continue to work.
New U.P. wide campaign urges the unemployed to get back to work.
Over 1,000 jobs available. Businesses at risk of closing doors. UPPER PENINSULA, MICHIGAN (September 8, 2020) — Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! announced today a region-wide awareness campaign aimed at filling over 1,000 jobs in the region. The decision to run this campaign came after hearing from a large number of U.P. employers who struggle to […]
New UP-Wide Campaign Urges Unemployed to Get Back to Work
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! announced Thursday a region-wide awareness campaign aimed at filling more than 1,000 jobs in the region.
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works Launches Campaign Aimed At Filling 1,000 Open Positions in UP
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works is launching a new campaign to help address the problem in the UP.
The 5 Things You Need to do to Ace a Virtual Interview
As we all know, the process by which job seekers become employees has changed. Long gone are the days where you drive to a business, sit across the table from a hiring manager, and shake their hand. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this process will be moving to virtual platforms for a number of industries.