Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! Promotes Apprenticeship Programs in the U.P.

People in orange safety vests listen to another person in a manufacturing building.

Our team is working with job seekers and employers to help them overcome economic hardships.

Contact U.P. Michigan Works! by calling 800-285-9675, texting 906-629-1976, or emailing apprentice@upmichiganworks.org.

Outstanding student loan debt and dramatic labor shortages are causing ill effects on Michigan’s economy. Both job seekers and employers have been negatively affected.  

  • The average student loan debt for someone in Michigan is $36,116
  • 21.6% of borrowers owe $20,000 to $40,000
  • The average student loan debt is $28,642 (Source: EducationData.org).  
  • Upper Peninsula employers struggle to find skilled workers to fill talent gaps. 
  • Causes of labor shortages: 
    • Retirements,  
    • a rise in entrepreneurship,  
    • fewer people entering the workforce, and 
    • heightened competition for limited applicants.  

Apprenticeship programs are based on an ‘earn-as-you-learn’ model that requires little financial input from participants. Graduates have little-to-no debt when they fully enter the workforce. 

Apprenticeships also help the employer. They reduce recruitment costs, they increase retention, and they create effective and efficient employees. Applicants view employers favorably if they have an established and trustworthy apprenticeship program. 

U.P. Michigan Works! is interested in speaking with you about the untapped potential in the U.P. We look to educate our communities about the benefits of apprenticeship programs and the abundance of career opportunities throughout Upper Michigan. Through this partnership, we hope to provide insight, spur positive action, and guide you towards beneficial opportunities that you may not be aware of. Informed talent, combined with a fully supported U.P. entrepreneurship system, will help grow the Upper Michigan economy. 

Please contact Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! by calling 800-285-9675, texting 906-629-1976, or emailing apprentice@upmichiganworks.org.

Visit our Employers page to learn more about apprenticeships and the CareerWise UP platform.