Get Ready to Win with U.P. Jobs Now! – A U.P. Matters Interview
Tim Hyde, a Workforce Services Manager based out of Marquette with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, spoke with U.P. Matters about the U.P. Jobs Now campaign.
Manufacturing Month 2020: A Thread

To celebrate all things manufacturing during Manufacturing Month, we are helping facilitate numerous events throughout the month of October in the Upper Peninsula.
New UP-Wide Campaign Urges Unemployed to Get Back to Work

Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! announced Thursday a region-wide awareness campaign aimed at filling more than 1,000 jobs in the region.
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works Launches Campaign Aimed At Filling 1,000 Open Positions in UP

Upper Peninsula Michigan Works is launching a new campaign to help address the problem in the UP.
UPMW and TV 6 Talk Virtual Job Fair

On July 16th, Megan Boddy from Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! joined Sarah Blakely in a virtual interview to discuss our upcoming Virtual Job Fair!
Back-to-Back Jobs for America’s Graduates National Outstanding Specialists for Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!

It was just announced that Cortney Martin, also from UPMW, will be the JAG National Outstanding Specialist for Michigan, chosen for her Out-of-School program contributions. That makes back-to-back awards for UPMW employees!
Apprentice Spotlight, Part 2

DeJian – IBEW 906 Electrician Apprentice ESCANABA, MI – Sometimes, people struggle to find their niche. Other times, they find what seems to be their destiny. DeJian, an Apprentice with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) 906 and B&B Electric, is on his way to becoming a full-fledged Journeyman Electrician. A five-year Apprentice, DeJian […]
Apprentice Spotlight, Part 1

Erin – Business Development at IBEW 906 MARQUETTE, MI – Joining an apprenticeship program will take you anywhere you want to go. Just ask Erin, a recently graduated Electrical Apprentice in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Erin, now a Business Development employee with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 906, started her tenure with the […]