Having Fun with Science on the TV 6 Morning News
The Mind Trekkers program brings science alive to students across the country.
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! Focuses on Michigan Industry Cluster Approach – A TV 6 Interview
Amy Kraatz, MiLEAP Grant Coordinator with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, visited TV 6 to discuss employee retention and how U.P. Michigan Works! is using MICA funding to convene organizations and address workforce challenges.
U.P. Michigan Works! to Host Workplace Excellence Training Program – A TV 6 Interview
On Wednesday, August 11th, Hanna Duckwall, Training Manager from Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, sat down with Alyssa from TV 6 to discuss our Workplace Excellence Training program.
Apprenticeship Opportunities Expanding in the Upper Peninsula
Holly Peoples, Business Services Manager with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, sat down with Elizabeth from TV 6 to discuss the upcoming growth in apprenticeship opportunities throughout the U.P.
Michigan Works! Removing Barriers for ‘Futures for Frontliners’ Applicants
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works will leverage its programs and sevrices to remove barriers for Futures for Frontliners applicants.