New Interviewing Etiquette in the Post-COVID Era

A person in business clothes holding a pen and paper sits across from someone with folded hands.

Michigan Works! is ready to help guide you through the new rules of interviewing. Interviews are difficult for both the employer and interviewee, especially now that COVID-19 has modified previous practices that have been in place for a long time. Here are answers to some of the questions Michigan Works! has been asked:

Will Slouching Lose You a Job?

Two people sit at a table. One is writing on a notepad.

Posture isn’t the only non-verbal communication you should focus on, though. In this post, we’ll go over the dos and don’ts of body language in a professional interview.

The 5 Things You Need to do to Ace a Virtual Interview

A woman communicates with other via video conferencing technology on a laptop.

As we all know, the process by which job seekers become employees has changed. Long gone are the days where you drive to a business, sit across the table from a hiring manager, and shake their hand. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this process will be moving to virtual platforms for a number of industries.