Jamie came to Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! (UPMW) as an application eligibility period (AEP) participant through PATH, a cash assistance program, in December 2020. She had over fourteen barriers including health problems, legal problems, financial troubles, and more. Jamie reported, “I’m overwhelmed with stress,” so we got to work offering her help through our services.
She took her responsibility in the PATH program seriously and followed up with UPMW on every assignment and suggestion. She gained stable housing and child support via Friend of the Court, and later she landed a hotel housekeeping job that made her feel safe and comfortable. She quickly became a supervisor with the same employer.
We supported Jamie with appropriate work clothing, the fee for her subsidized housing application, and a used car. She quickly graduated out of PATH due to income. With help from UPMW, Jamie got ready to win!
Click this link for more information about Michigan Works! job seeker programs and services.