TV Interview – Returning North through Upper Michigan Works!
Hanna Duckwall, Director of Workforce Services with U.P. Michigan Works!, and Jason Mack from the MTEC Smartzone joined TV 6 on-air to discuss the upcoming Return North career fair.
TV Interview – Upper Peninsula Michigan Works offers Going PRO Talent Fund
On September 21, Jim Messer, Business Services Manager with U.P. Michigan Works!, visited the TV 6 station in Negaunee to discuss the Going PRO Talent Fund.
Building a Winning Resume – A TV 6 Interview
Chris joined Alyssa from TV 6 to discuss what makes up a winning resume and what shouldn’t be added to your personal marketing document.
U.P. Michigan Works! Focuses on Summer Jobs for Youth
Hanna from Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! visited TV 6 to discuss how U.P. Michigan Works! emphasizes youth employment and what services we can offer to youths.
Michigan Works! Helps U.P. Employers Utilize Training Funds to Address Workforce Challenges
U.P. Michigan Works! continues to support employers and employees in getting ready to win by providing access to valuable programs and resources.
Michigan employers encouraged to offer opportunities during Youth Employment Month
An estimated 239,000 Michigan youth, ages 16-19, are expected to participate in the state’s labor market this summer, and to help raise awareness about the importance of youth earning valuable skills and training for the future while doing so safely and legally, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proclaims June 2022 as Youth Employment Month in Michigan.
U.P. Michigan Works! Launches Clean Slate UP Spring Programs
On May 11, Darren Widder, Policy and Programs Manager with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, joined Alyssa from TV 6 to discuss our Clean Slate UP program and the upcoming Clean Slate UP events happening in the central and western Upper Peninsula.
Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! Focuses on Michigan Industry Cluster Approach – A TV 6 Interview
Amy Kraatz, MiLEAP Grant Coordinator with Upper Peninsula Michigan Works!, visited TV 6 to discuss employee retention and how U.P. Michigan Works! is using MICA funding to convene organizations and address workforce challenges.
Getting Into a Career in the Trades
Caleb chose to attend a trade school to meet his career goals. Read more about his journey in our blog.
Hanna Visits TV 6 to Discuss Our Upcoming Clean Slate UP Expungement Event
This week, Hanna Duckwall, Director of Talent Services with U.P. Michigan Works!, visited TV 6 to discuss our upcoming Clean Slate UP Expungement Event taking place in Marquette on March 23.