A PATH Success Story
Mary attended PATH orientation as a temporary solution; it was a requirement given to her by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as they worked to extend her Cash Assistance deferral. The deferral would allow her to continue to receive her benefits without having to participate in re-employment activities, which is the typical requirement. Mary was very honest about her intentions with DHHS and her Michigan Works! PATH Case Manager and gladly attended orientation.
During the PATH orientation session, Mary learned about the program’s requirement, which includes participating in a variety of job search-related activities. As Mary and her Case Manager discussed her skills and how they align with local job vacancies, Mary was given hope and encouragement for what she could bring to a future employer. This meeting was enough to shift her goals from extending her deferral to finding immediate employment.
Within the first week, Mary had multiple responses to her applications, including a job offer. She was thrilled and mentioned to her PATH Case Manager that it felt good to know that her skills were sought after. Although transportation and childcare were barriers, Michigan Works! was able to provide supportive services to buy a bicycle, as well as referring Mary to partner agencies, helping her research childcare openings, and providing additional funding and assistance to remove her barriers.
Because of Mary’s success in the PATH program, Michigan Works! was also able to provide her with Transitional Supportive Services to help her as she began her new employment. Her Case Manager will continue to be available as a resource to help her with job retention strategies. In every interaction Michigan Works! has with Mary, she always expresses her appreciation for the services and support that she received.
Mary shared this sentiment with her Case Manager about her experience: “I thank you again for everything; you’ve helped me so much and boosted my confidence, as well! I highly recommend to anyone in my situation to hit you up and work with the program. It is well worth it and I’m glad I made the decision to follow through and decided to go back to work instead of opting for disability. I feel amazing physically and mentally from this experience!”
Learn more about our services on our Job Seekers page.