A WIOA Adult and Employment Services Success Story

Mark, an engineering graduate from Michigan Technological University, was working as a produce stocker at a local grocery store earning $10.40 per hour. While he worked as a stocker, he searched for more fulfilling work. He was selected to work on a special project that fit his educational background, but, unfortunately, the project went unfunded. Mark kept working diligently but he knew that he needed help.
Mark went to his local U.P. Michigan Works! office after a former coworker told him about our game-changing career services. He was ready for a change and was eager to get ready to win! Our staff member spoke with Mark, learned about his education and experiences, and went to work to connect him with a more fitting opportunity.
Our staff member coached Mark and, in the meantime, guided him toward a career as an asphalt tester. This opportunity would allow Mark to utilize his degree and would more than double his pay! Now, Mark works for Payne and Dolan as a Quality Control Field Technician earning over $24.00 per hour! He works mostly in the Hancock area and reports, “Work is going great!
Learn more about our services on our Job Seekers page.