Hanna Visits TV 6 to Recap Our Year

Hanna sits in the TV 6 studio while being interviewed.

This week, Hanna Duckwall, Talent Services Director with U.P. Michigan Works!, visited TV 6 to talk about the great things that happened this year, including new grant funding, successful events, and more.

Yoopers are Getting Hired through Application Drives

A man sits at a table and fills out an application at an application drive.

You may have seen our roving RV around the Upper Peninsula more than usual lately. No, we aren’t taking an extended summer vacation. It’s been acting as our rolling billboard at our recent application drives. What’s an application drive, you ask? Sit back, relax, and let us explain.

U.P. Michigan Works! Connecting with People

Seth and Alyssa are side-by-side on a screen while conducting an interview.

Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! uses its communications network to help job seekers, businesses, and partners get ready to win. From social media to events, the U.P. Michigan Works! team uses a variety of tools, including TV interviews, to get their message out.

New Interviewing Etiquette in the Post-COVID Era

A person in business clothes holding a pen and paper sits across from someone with folded hands.

Michigan Works! is ready to help guide you through the new rules of interviewing. Interviews are difficult for both the employer and interviewee, especially now that COVID-19 has modified previous practices that have been in place for a long time. Here are answers to some of the questions Michigan Works! has been asked: