Makaelynn Marken was referred to Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! (UPMW) through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope. (PATH) program in February of 2024.

Makaelynn is a single mother with one 6-year-old daughter, she was looking for ways to support her daughter and move forward in her career. She met with UPMW talent specialists, and they had her participate in job search and job readiness activities, along with some community service.

Through her community service participation at Habitat for Humanity, she was able to make connections to industry professionals, and she ended up becoming employed part-time for the Habitat for Humanity on March 15th. As a part-time employee, Makaelynn works approximately 28 hours per week and earning $12.00 an hour.

Makaelynn is grateful to the UPMW staff that helped her and the opportunities she was presented with through the Michigan Works! system.