Mind Trekkers

Where Your Imagination Can Lead You to New Discoveries

OneUP Mind Trekkers Tour

A traveling career exploration roadshow, where youth can explore concepts and appplications to in-demand fields in the Upper Peninsula’s workforce.

Our Purpose

The OneUP Youth Initiatives Collective brings communities together from across the Upper Peninsula to host regional Mind Trekkers Events. The U.P. depends on retaining young people with the interests and skills needed to support prospering communities and grow our economy. U.P. Michigan Works! is committed to ensuring youth have early exposure to career exploration that meets the current and future demands of U.P. businesses. We take a broad approach to “STEM exploration” since the skills needed for success go beyond technical intrigue in the OneUP Mind Trekkers Tour.  In our inaugural OneUP Mind Trekkers Tour (2022-23), the events hosted over 2,000 middle school students in the U.P.
Mind Trekkers
STEM Activity

Crafting an Environment of Inspiration & Motivation

Mind Trekkers is a nationally acclaimed science, engineering, and in-demand career roadshow that inspires youth to explore the excitement of in-demand career paths.  It’s best described as a mix between a science fair, a career fair, and a carnival! Thousands of middle school students will participate in more than 60 engaging career exploration activities, each hosted by a local company or college student acting as a near-peer role model. 

Introduction to the OneUP Collaborative

The OneUP Collaborative  consists of multiple collectives that unite movers and shakers from private businesses, K-12 and post-secondary education, community organizations, economic development, and workforce development entities. The collectives are convened by U.P. Michigan Works! and led by professionals in their respective industries.  The OneUP Collaborative hosts these collectives, empowering industry leaders to team-up on projects that meet the needs of UP businesses, create demand-driven education and job training programs, drive competition for grant funds, speaking as a “One U.P.” voice, and strategize to overcome local challenges. 
OneUP Collaborative

Spark Curiosity, Innovation, and Exploration in Youth

Make an Impact

The OneUP Mind Trekkers tour will directly impact thousands of middle school youth across the Upper Peninsula in a day of sparking curiosity and exploration. Your support is an investment in our future workforce!


Become a Sponsor! Invest in the workforce of the future by sponsoring the unique excitement created by OneUP Mind Trekkers Festivals. 

Be an Exhibitor

Employer involvement is key to impacting career exploration and keeping our young adults in the U.P. Join us for the festival(s) and gain exposure for your business!


Commit to 1.5-2.5 hour blocks and volunteer in a role that will make a difference! This is great for those who want to help but have less time to commit. 

Upcoming OneUP Festivals

Serving Houghton, Baraga, Keweenaw, Ontonagon, and Gogebic Counties
Serving Marquette, Alger, Dickinson, and Iron Counties
Serving Chippewa, Luce, and Mackinac Counties
Serving Delta, Schoolcraft, and Menominee Counties

UPMW has partnered with Michigan Technological University and the MiSTEM Network to bring you these innovative and educational Mind Trekkers Events. 

UP Michigan Works! logo with Get Ready to Win next to it.
MiSTEM Network
Labor Economic Opportunity