Helping a Single Mother Succeed in Nursing


Melissa—a single mother—visited the Marquette American Job Center seeking cash assistance after having her child. She needed financial support to help her complete the Northern Michigan University nursing program. A talent services specialist worked with her through the PATH program. PATH funding enabled her to focus on her studies instead of worrying about tuition during her last year of school. PATH funds also helped her with car repairs so she could make it to class and will help her pay for NCLEX and LARA fees, work clothing, and work tools to begin employment as an RN, now that she has graduated. Melissa has worked very hard and persevered to be successful in PATH and nursing school. She is a shining example of how with a little support and hard work you can overcome your circumstances and succeed.

Melissa’s excitement in her own words,” Michigan works gave me the gift of hope and possibility. As a brand-new, full-time, single mom trying to survive life, let alone nursing school, they quickly became backbones to my very winded wings. My caseworker, Shannon Boone, was so easy to trust and confide in with the help I needed and how we could manage it with the necessary steps to try and make it happen. They exceeded my expectations and went above and beyond what I could even imagine was possible. They helped me get my car fixed so I had safe transportation for school, work, and taking my infant to doctors’ appointments. They helped pay for my senior year of tuition I had no idea how I would be able to afford. There was even one month I was $75 short on my rent, and my caseworker was able to find an incentive I qualified for from my hard work, which happened to be exactly $75. On top of that, they were always there for me if I had any questions or concerns, doubts or setbacks. I am endlessly grateful for their massive support with my success in graduating nursing school with my RN BSN, taking my NCLEX license exam, and becoming a registered nurse.”