Courtney moved up the career ladder thanks to U.P. Michigan Works! assistance.
Courtney, a nursing student, reached out to the Marquette U.P. Michigan Works! office after learning about our programs and services through a presentation in a nursing class. She was seeking assistance to overcome financial barriers, including a recent layoff, fees associated with the NCLEX exam, obtaining licensure through LARA, and acquiring appropriate work clothing. After she shared her struggles with us, we were determined to help her succeed.
Courtney, like so many others, had been laid off from her waitressing job due to COVID-19 and was struggling to make ends meet. We encouraged Courtney to apply for unemployment benefits and offered career and general guidance to help her navigate the next steps.

The fees for NCLEX and LARA were paid through our programmatic funding, but Courtney encountered issues with the NCLEX site which pushed back her completion date. Courtney is an Illinois native and moved back sooner than she had originally planned due to COVID-19 concerns.
While she waited to complete the required testing, Courtney began working full-time with Lake Shore Pediatrics in Barrington, Illinois. She accepted the position with the understanding that upon successful completion of the NCLEX exam, Courtney would transition from a Medical Assistant to a full-time Registered Nurse.
She reached out in October 2020 to let us know the good news. She had completed her NCLEX exam and passed her boards, allowing her to transition to a new position with Lake Shore Pediatrics! Now, Courtney is working at Lake Shore Pediatrics as a full-time RN.
Courtney was easy to work with. She communicated well and always submitted the required paperwork. Her drive and willingness to participate, in conjunction with our programmatic funding and coaching, set the stage for her to achieve her goals and Get Ready to Win.
For more information about our job seeker programs and services, please follow this link.